In the Profiles App, by selecting Trademarks from the left side menu, a table of trademarks associated with the entity is listed. Along with the number of trademarks, the following information is listed:
- Serial Number
- Reg Number
- Name
- Current Assignee
- Status
- Filing Date
- Reg Date
The table can be sorted by Status or in date order ascending or descending by Filing Date or Reg Date, and the data can be exported to a spreadsheet file.
By clicking on a particular Serial Number hyperlink the Trademark profile is displayed, which includes a link to the details from the USPTO, as well as other data including:
- Serial Number
- Filing Date
- Registration Date
- Status Code
- Current Owner
- Last assignor
- Current Assignee
- The image of the trademark as sourced from the USPTO
- US Classification
- Trademark Assignments (including a hyperlink to the respective trademark assignment profile, Assignors, Assignees, Recorded Date and Count)
“Show in Groups” offers several ways that the Trademark data can be grouped:
- Current Assignee
- Current Owner
- Last Assignor
- Top Level USTM Classifications
There are several filters on the left hand side that enable the narrowing of the search results:
- Text entry box
- Filing Date (slider or date entry box)
- Closed Date (slider or date entry box)
- Registration Date (slider or date entry box)
- Current Owner (lookup box and check box)
- Last Assignor (lookup box and check box)
- Current Assignee (lookup box and check box)
- Top Level USTM Classification (lookup box and check box)