From the Profiles App, by selecting “Charts and graphs” from the left side menu, two different sets of analytics will be displayed.
The first set, located under "Total Portfolio" is a duplication of the charts and table listed under the dashboard (see Total Portfolio under Dashboard).
The second set, located under "Patent Analytics", displays the following charts:
"Worldwide Application and Grant Patents" chart shows the application filing and granted patent trends for the entity for the last 20 years in bar chart form. Holding the pointer over any part of the chart will display the underlying data. Access to the data is available by clicking on the ellipses button.
There are few filters on the left hand side that enable the narrowing of the search results:
- Status (Checkboxes)
- Document type (checkboxes)
"Patent countries" shows a world map indicating in which countries the entity has either filed applications or has been granted patents. User can select to view either the applications, or the grants, or the applications and grants combined. Holding the pointer over any part of the map will display the underlying data. Access to the data is available by clicking on the ellipses button.
"Top 10 CPC Codes Over All Time" shows a modified pie chart indicating the top 10 Cooperative Patent Classification (or CPC) codes present within the entity's patent portfolio. User can select to view either the applications, or the grants, or the applications and grants combined. Holding the pointer over any part of the chart will display the underlying data. Access to the data is available by clicking on the ellipses button.
"Top 10 Classifications-Last 10 years" Shows a line chart indicating the top 10 classifications where the entity has been the most active during each of the past 10 years. User can select to view either the applications, or the grants, or the applications and grants combined. Holding the pointer over any part of the chart will display the underlying data. Access to the data is available by clicking on the ellipses button. In this case, Those classifications in the data table that are highlighted in green are the most active, while those in red are the lowest in the top 10.