New Search (Profiles App)

The “New Search” button in the Profiles App clears the search box in preparation for the entry of an entity. After an entity is entered, the search is executed by clicking the magnifying glass or “Search” term at the right hand side of the search box.

Search by Ultimate Parent - If this toggle is on, the parent of the entity searched for will be displayed.  If off, only entities matching the exact entry will be displayed regardless of whether or not the entity is an affiliate or subsidiary of another entity.

Search History - Lists the most recent searches that have been performed within the past 30 days. The selection of any entry will cause it to be listed under “selected companies” in preparation for the development of an IP Profile.

Save Searches - A list of searches that have been saved or those that an alert had been created for.  A selection of a saved search will populate the “Selected Companies” with those entities listed at the time the search was saved.

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