In the Profiles App, the dashboard lists the datasets and analytics options along the left hand side.
Refine Search: Is an option that takes you back to the Profiles Home screen and allows you to modify the query to either add or subtract entities from the “Selected Companies” list.
New Profile Search: The “New Profile Search” button clears the search box in preparation for the entry of a entity’s name, and reverts the screen back to the Profiles Home screen. After a name is entered, the search is executed by clicking the magnifying glass or “Search” term at the right hand side of the search box.
Corporate Tree: Displays the list of entities included in the aggregation and analysis of IP data. Included are affiliates and subsidiaries of an entity or any other additional entity selected during the initial query.
A hyperlink is displayed indicating the number of entities included. Selecting the link will expand the Corporate Tree screen, which shows those entities included in the query on the left hand side. Each of these entities will have a selectable checkmark allowing for the user to exclude from the analysis.
Additionally, the “Add more Companies” function includes a look-up box on the right hand side of the display that allows the user to enter other entities to include into the analysis. As entities are selected, they appear beneath the look-up box with a checkmark box allowing for the user to exclude from the analysis.
Clicking on the “Reset Companies” button will clear unselected entities from the left hand side and will clear those entities selected from the “Add More Companies” function on the right hand side.
Clicking on either the small “x” on the upper right hand side of the display or clicking again on the hyperlink will collapse the list.
Recent Activity: Lists activity of the aggregated list of entities, including relevant news, agreements, patents, patent assignments, patent court cases, trademarks, and trademark assignments. Each entry will be hyperlinked either to the news article or to the appropriate data record. There is an indication at the bottom of the list showing how far back the recent activity is captured for as well as a “Load More” button to reach further back for older activity.
Location: Lists the address of the entity
Total Portfolio: Displays the breakout of an entity’s IP holdings. The bar chart shows patents as categorized by CPC code as well as Trademarks, License Agreements, and M&A Deals. The data, in tabular form, is listed below the chart.
The “See Details” link provides the descriptions of the classifications and each classification as a relative percentage of the total holdings.