Saved Searches
Saved Searches gives you access to the search methodologies you had previously saved. From within this section you have the ability to view or delete specific saved steps. To view the desired saved steps, click on the name, not the check box. Saved searches can be transferred to new accounts if the need arises (upon request).
To save a search, apply your search criteria and click Save Search.
Saved Sets
Saved Sets give you access to any results set you had previously saved. Sets can include specific agreements from a single search, or multiple searches. From within this section you have the ability to view or delete specific saved sets. To view the desired saved set, click on the name, not the check box. Saved sets can be transferred to new accounts if the need arises (upon request).
To save an entire search to a set, go to Results Summary and click save as set.
To save individual agreements to a set you need to be in Results Summary. Start by clicking on View/Add Agreement to Set… From here you can either create a new set by typing in a name and clicking save, or by checking the box of a previously created set from the list.