Search Center is the default home screen for all Royalty Rate searches. Every search you conduct will begin here. This is also where you can access your Saved Searches, Saved Sets, and Search History.
Saved Searches
Saved Searches gives the user access to any search methodologies they had previously saved. From within this section
the user has the ability to view or delete specific saved steps. To view the desired saved steps, click on the name.
Saved searches will be saved within the system, even in the case of a day pass. Day pass users will have access
to saved searches on future logins if they use the same login name. Saved searces can also be transferred to new
accounts if the need arises.
Saved Sets
Saved Sets gives the user access to any results sets they had previously saved. From within this section the user as the
ability to view or delete specific saved sets. To view the desired saved set, click on the name.
Saved sets will be saved within the system, even in the case of a day pass. Day pass users will have access to saved
sets on future logins if they use the same account. Saved sets can also be transferred to new accounts if the need
Search History
Search History automatically populates the last twenty search methodologies created by the user. This includes
searches that were not saved by the user. To view, click on the date and time. The user’s search will appear in the
Search Summary. These save after each time a user moves from Search Center to the Results Summary.