Paragraph View (Search App)

Paragraph View highlights a user’s specific keyword(s). This improves the way a user views agreements, making reading full text easier. Within the paragraph view the user has the ability to:

-Apply, and save, specific keywords to quickly search through an agreement

-Use the Keyword function to select, unselect, clear or save all applied keywords

-Use the Paragraph function to expand and collapse paragraphs in the viewed agreement

    Expand- shows all paragraphs of the agreement

    Collapse- shows only the paragraph with the applied keyword(s)

        -When paragraphs are collapsed, the surrounding paragraph numbers are accessible

    The paragraph option that the user has selected will stay the same when other agreements are viewed

-Manage keywords: apply and save keywords, search for saved keywords and view all currently applied keywords

-Export paragraphs, containing highlighted keywords, to a word document

-Select and unselect a single applied keyword

-Delete a single applied keyword

-View previous or next mentioned keywords

    Hover over a check marked keyword and use the arrows to move through the highlighted word within an agreement


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