The Exclusivity filter allows a user to search for license agreements with a specified exclusivity. Exclusivity denotes the
rights the licensee holds to exploit the licensed IP within a certain territory(ies).
To begin, click on Exclusivity and check either Exclusive, Non Exclusive, Multi Exclusive, Unknown or a combination. To remove an exclusivity, uncheck the box next to the name. Once the desired exclusivity(ies) are selected, click Apply.
How was exclusivity assigned?
ktMINE reviews agreement data to look for the terms exclusive and non-exclusive. If neither appears, then the
agreement is assigned as non-exclusive. If one or more instances of a single value appears, then only that value
is assigned to the agreement.
Exclusive - Company has only right to utilize or exploit the intellectual property or services granted under
the license.
Non-exclusive - Company has the right to utilize or exploit the intellectual property or services granted
under the license, but other companies may also share these rights.
Multi-Exclusivity - If at least one instance of each value, then the agreement is assigned as multi-exclusive.
Unknown - Exclusivity not explicitly provided in agreement.
How should I setup my search to capture all exclusive agreements?
If you are looking to find agreements that are exclusive, then choose both exclusive and multi-exclusivity options when setting
up your search conditions. Agreements that are labeled as multi-exclusive contain at least one royalty rate that is
exclusive (as well as at least one royalty rate that is non-exclusive).