Application Date
Application Date of a patent is the date the applicant filed their application within the given patent authority
Expiration Date
Expiration Date is the projected expiration date of a given patent based upon the rules disclosed by the filing authority.
Priority Date
Priority Date is the date when a related publication was filed with the authority.
Published Date
Published Date is the date that the patent application was made publicly available
Last Assignment Date
The last time the patent was assigned
First Non Final Rejection Date
The date when a USPTO patent application is rejected but in a non final way, meaning it's not a final...
Forward Citations Count
The number of times the current patent has been referred to in future patent applications.
Backward Citations Count
The number of times the current patent has referenced patents from the past.
Family Member Count
The number of patent applications that refer to the same priority patent application.
Top Level CPC Classifications
The Section, Top Class and Sub Class of a CPC classification.
Top Level IPC Classifications
The section, Top Class and Sub Class of an IPC classification.
Full CPC Classifications
Full CPC classification associated with a patent.
The entities that filed the patent application with the filing authority.
Applicant Countries
The country (if disclosed) where the applicants reside.
Current Assignee
The entity who is currently assigned the patent, by default this will be the applicant prior to any assignments occurring.
Current Owner
The entity who currently owns the patent, the owner is distinct from the current assignee because a bank can be...
Current Owner Country
The country (if disclosed) where the owner resides.
Last Assignor
The last entity who is not the inventor to assign the patent.
Document Country
Country in which the patent was filed.
The people who created the invention, different from applicant, where inventors must be people, applicant can be either.
Inventor Country
The country where the inventors reside.
Family ID
The unique ID provided by the filing authority to associate all priority family members with a single group.
Last Assignment Type
The type of transaction for the last assignment of the patent, this can be different values (assignment, license, security, release,...
Application Status
Status of the application (application or grant).
Last Assignor Country
Location of the last assignor (if disclosed).
Current Assignee Country
Location of the current assignee (if disclosed).
Examiner for USPTO patents only that reviewed the patent application.
Law Firm / Attorney
The law firm, if any, that worked with the inventor, applicant and interfaced with the examiner on the patent application...
Geographical location of where the agreement and grants can be exploited.
The type of transaction for the assignment, this can be different values (assignment, license, security, release, update, inventor).
Recorded Date
The date the USPTO recorded the assignment at the patent office.
Execution Date
The date the parties signed the assignment agreement.
Patent Count
Number of patents included in the assignment.
Parties doing the assigning.
Parties receiving the assigning of patents.
If provided, the entity that prepared the assignment, most of the time it is a lawyer or law firm.
Inbound Countries
The country of the assignee(s).
Outbound Countries
The country of the assignor(s).
Legal Status
Legal Status refers to the data relating to events in the lifetime of a patent. The legal status data can...
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